Soon(er) - New update

Development didn’t stop for a second since the release of the project, and now that the judging period is over, and uploads are unlocked, I finally can not upload anything yet ‘cause I’m still not done! How does he do it?!

So, in show of good faith, here is a sneak peek to prove I’m not procrastinating to you AND myself. The gathering system has been completely redone, taking into account the marvelous feedback you fine people shared. You’ll also see new, more polished menus, and a neat little feature that looks like a small help icon that I call “small help icon”. This “Small Help Icon” is found in any menu window, and you can hover this, so called, “Small Help Icon” with your “mouse” to view some contextual “help”. No more menuing and textdumping, help is now on demand!

You’ll also notice something new, a so called “Protocol”. This is part of a new feature that will also help alleviate some of the most common complaints that can be resumed with a “I don’t know how to make tutorials for my games”. I think I managed to find an excellent way to ease in players into the gameplay and also make the whole thing even more interesting.

But that’s something you’ll have to see!

Next patch will drop before next Thursday Ehem, around saturday, so keep an eye out!

Thank you to all the people that took the time to test this project and specially those who left wonderful messages and feedback behind. You guys are amazing!

See ya soon, very soon. In the meantime, go take a look at the game! Get a head start in all the hip new builds! Use the Ecolite Scope! It’s my favorite!

Get Mothership - 2.0

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