Status? Updated.

The Status Interface update is pretty much solidified! A common feedback received was that players felt a bit lost on what to do at first, and reviewing footage of playtesting, many players felt like they needed to check every location, even though it's not necessary.

To fix this shortcoming, the Status interface now has a separate category for Ship status and Location status, making it more intuitive on how to use this function.

Here's a comparison video, check it out:


Notice the ship's layout is much clearer now, with their tiny little names in there as well for extra clarity. The cancel button updates to show whether you can use right click to exit, for even more extra clarity! Geez! It's almost transparent!

The QoL changes are being carried over to the other functions, but they'll mostly remain the same unless I get another weird idea.

Thanks for stopping by! Give the game a go! It's on browser! C'moooon!

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